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Best Place to Get the Japanese Encephalitis Vaccine in Arizona (Scottsdale, Phoenix, Chandler/Gilbert)
The JE vaccine is mainly recommended to travelers who visit Asia or parts of the Pacific, particularly if they plan to stay a long time or spend a lot of time outdoors.
Why use Away Clinic?
Lower prices than the "big guys"
New! Vaccine prescriptions available so you can get vaccinated at your pharmacy to save even more money
Extensive expertise in travel health
Great service and convenience
Available at all Away Clinic locations:
Away Clinic is an Arizona-based travel vaccine provider specializing in hard-to-find vaccines and expert medical advice for international travelers. Vaccines are administered by a registered nurse following CDC guidelines.
Where can I get the Japanese Encephalitis Vaccine?
As a travel clinic, we offer Japanese Encephalitis vaccine at all of our locations. Schedule an appointment at your local Away Clinic to get vaccinated and set up the appointment for your second dose!
The Japanese encephalitis vaccine is recommended for travelers moving to countries with high risk of Japanese encephalitis, those staying in high risk areas for a month or longer, and those participating in a lot of outdoor activities. Travelers staying in accommodations without air conditioning, screens, or bed nets are also at high risk of contracting Japanese encephalitis. Certain medical conditions may prohibit you from receiving the vaccine, please talk to your Away Clinic travel health specialist for more details.t.
What is the Japanese Encephalitis Vaccine?
The Japanese encephalitis vaccine is a live vaccine that has been available for over twelve years. It helps protect travelers going to southeast Asia and eastern Australia from contracting Japanese encephalitis from infected mosquitoes. Most people only need two Japanese encephalitis vaccines for lifelong immunity.
What are some of the Japanese Encephalitis Vaccine Side Effects?
Most mild reactions to Japanese encephalitis vaccines include pain, tenderness, or swelling where the vaccine was administered. Let your travel health nurse know if you feel dizzy, have vision changes, or have fainted previously after having a medical procedure. Severe reactions to the Japanese encephalitis vaccine are very rare.
What is Japanese Encephalitis?
Japanese encephalitis is spread by infected mosquitoes in Asia and the Western Pacific. Some people experience no symptoms, while others might have a fever or headache. Severe infections include swelling of the brain (encephalitis), neck stiffness, seizures, and coma. About a quarter of those with encephalitis die and half of the survivors experience permanent disability. Pregnant women want to avoid contracting Japanese encephalitis because it could harm the unborn child.
How to Prevent Japanese Encephalitis?
Japanese Encephalitis is best eluded by getting vaccinated and avoiding mosquito bites. This can be accomplished by:
-Using insect repellent (DEET, lemon of eucalyptus, picaridin are all ingredients to look for)
-Wearing the right clothing (Long sleeve shirts, pants, and tall socks are best for outdoor activities to decrease the likelihood of a mosquito bite)
-Being aware of the time (Dusk and dawn are when mosquitoes are most active)
Find out what vaccines you need for your trip
Find out what vaccines you need for your trip
East Asia
Europe & North/Central Asia
Australia & the Pacific