Away Clinic has unfortunately closed. Please reach out to another travel clinic or pharmacy for services. If you need records or other info, please email

Away Clinic Travel
Health Price List (2024)
Appointment fees
Initial Appointment
In-person Immunizations - $60
Telehealth prescriptions - $99 New!
this allows you to get your vaccines at a pharmacy if you so choose. Pharmacists can not administer travel vaccines without a prescription in Arizona
Follow Up Appointment
In-person immunizations - $45
Telehealth prescriptions - $60
Yellow fever vaccine - $352
Typhoid (oral or injectable) - $179
Japanese encephalitis - $491 per dose (2 doses)
Polio - $133
*Ticovac (Tick-Borne Encephalitis or TBE Vaccine) - $472
Tetanus/diptheria - $113
*Chikungunya - $464
A - $183 per dose (2 doses)​
B - $134 per dose (3 doses)
A/B combo - $278 per dose (3 doses)
*Rabies - $542 per dose (2 doses)
Cholera - $362
Meningococcal - $223
*Rabies, chikungunya and TBE must be paid for in advance and ordered in
(next-day shipping)​​
We accept debit and credit cards. We do not currently accept insurance because the services we offer, including travel vaccines, are typically not covered.