Away Clinic has unfortunately closed. Please reach out to another travel clinic or pharmacy for services. If you need records or other info, please email
What if I decide to travel abroad but I can't find my vaccine records?
What happens if you try to travel to Africa without getting the yellow fever shot first?
Five steps to avoid mosquito-spread disease while visiting Brazil
What are the side effects of the oral typhoid (Ty21a) vaccine?
Staying Healthy While Still Having Fun During Your Trip to Bali
The people studied by Weston A Price ate less meat than you think
How do you care for an iron skillet?
Do This for Your Health: Mediterranean Chicken and Vegetable in an Iron Skillet
Identifying and Remedying Iron Deficiency: Warning Signs, Testing, and Nutritional Solutions
Nourishing Your Body: Exploring Iron Sources and Practicing Moderation
What happens if you consume too much iron?
Rejuvenate and Indulge: Discovering Wellness Retreats in Southeast Asia
Beating the Heat: Tips to Avoid Heat-Related Problems and Stay Hydrated in Thailand
Avoiding Insect-Borne Diseases in Southeast Asia: The Importance of Vaccination Prior to Travel
Navigating Southeast Asia's Street Food Scene: A Guide to Safe and Delicious Eating
What to know about rabies before you travel abroad